Thursday 21 July 2011

Getting to know your camera

I have two Canon 400d’s that I have been using for a while now, I do use a lot of their functions but for this project I have re-read the camera manual and found a couple of things that I haven’t used and had forgotten about.    One thing that might come in useful is the ability to apply filters when shooting in monochrome and the second is that you can append dust delete data which could come in useful if I need the camera for a job before I can get it to the person who services my equipment.

I don’t use any of the auto settings, when photographing subjects where there is no time to use in manual mode like ice hockey I use the P setting, I use the shutter priority setting when photographing motorsport to stop or blur the action depending on what effect I’m after and use the aperture priority if I need to control the depth of field.

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