Wednesday 20 July 2011

I've enrolled!

Have just receive payment for next week’s wedding which has allowed me to enrol for the OCA “The Art of Photography” course, step 1 on the ladder to a BA Hons degree in photography.
One thing you have to do is start a learning log which I am choosing to do in the form of a blog.  I will be using the blog to record my journey through the course, successes and failures and to record my ideas etc.

While waiting for my course work to arrive I have been looking through the course sample I downloaded from the website.  Looking through the contents there doesn’t seem to be much that I didn’t cover when doing my City & Guilds course; hopefully this course will go into them in more detail but if not there is no harm in reviewing the basic.  Will be a good refresher and get me back into the habit of studying.

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