Monday 29 August 2011

Exercise 13 - Vertical and Horizontal Frames

For this exercise we were asked to take 20 photographs vertically and then to retake the same 20 photographs but horizontally.  I went to Stony Stratford this afternoon , as there was an event on at Horsefair Green to capture these images.

For some of them it was easier to get a good composition vertically but harder horizontally and for some the other way round.

The point of the exercise is to show that subjects can be photographed both horizontally and vertically although it takes a little more thought.

Having looked back over the images I’ve posted already to my blog approx. a third of them have been vertical so in future I will be making sure I turning the camera round and consider photographing scenes vertical more often.

Below are a selection of the images I have taken for this exercise, all of the images taken are on my flickr site:

 F6.3, ISO400, 1/100s, 37mm

F7.1, ISO400, 1/100s, 27mm

F5.6, ISO400, 1/50s, 47mm

F7.1, ISO400, 1/80s, 31mm

F13, ISO400, 1/250s, 34mm

F10, ISO400, 1/200s, 55mm

F8, ISO400, 1/125s, 37mm

F9, ISO400, 1/160s, 53mm

F9, ISO400, 1/125s, 45mm

F8, ISO400, 1/125s, 55mm

F7.1, ISO400, 1/100s, 38mm

F7.1, ISO400, 1/100s, 25mm

F7.1, ISO200, 1/100s, 55mm

F7.1, ISO200, 1/100s, 55mm

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