Wednesday 31 August 2011

Exercise 14 – Cropping

For this exercise we were asked to pick three images previously taken and look at possible crops.



I took this photograph in our back garden last winter, our first in our new house.  As we put quite a lot of food out for the birds and squirrels our garden was very popular and I liked how the red breasted robin stood out in the snowy conifers.  I couldn’t get any closer without frightening him so though this was ideal image to crop and show what I would have done in camera if I had been able to get closer.



This was a photograph I took while on holiday in the Lake District last year, I really liked the wooden row boats which were lined up and the wooden posts with hills of the Lake District in the back ground.  However I tried a crop on this to see if the photograph would have worked better if I had just concentrated on the nearest row boat and wooden posts.  I really like the result it give much more emphasis on the row boat.



For my third Photograph I chose this portrait I took at a wedding a while ago.  After I had taken the formal shots people were milling around before heading off for the reception and I took a few reportage images during this time.  I thought this one would be perfect for cropping to a landscape head and shoulder shot.  The result gives a lot more focus on the couple and the eye is not distracted by the extra shoulder and arm on the right of the original or the busy skirt the lady is wearing.

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