Thursday 4 August 2011

Exercise 9 – Focal Lengths

This exercise is about the view you capture with different focal lengths, from one static point.  I went to Furzdon Lake in Milton Keynes to do this exercise as it has an island with art work on it, however when I got there it was quite overgrown and the art work hardly visible.  However there was a bridge over a part in the distance so used that to focus on.

F10, ISO200, 1/200s, 10mm

F11, ISO200, 1/125s, 20mm

 F9, ISO200, 1/160s, 35mm

f8, ISO200, 1/200s, 80mm

F5, ISO200, 1/250s, 205mm

 F5.6, ISO200, 1/125s, 300mm

If I zoom in on the bridge from the first image with the smallest focal length it is the same in size in comparison to the surrounding area as in the image taken with the largest focal length.

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